Big Changes Coming Our Way in CPT 2013

Is your facility getting ready? The American Medical Association (AMA) has released the 2013 CPT code set and it holds a plethora of guideline changes, code additions, revisions and deletions. As the AMA continues standardizing CPT codes, guidelines and conventions we are continuing to see big changes for the years to come. We also continue … [Read More]

Creating the Global Transaction Strategy

By the time this article reaches your screen the national political scenario may have been resolved.  Healthcare leaders across the country have already positioned their organizations to survive with sequentially less reimbursement.  To continue to provide high quality care in our communities, healthcare must deploy a global transaction strategy (GTS). This strategy unifies the cost … [Read More]

CPT Coding Q & A on Multiple Attempts of the Same Procedure

Q:  Can someone please advise on the following? IV team attempts to insert a PICC and is unsuccessful. We try a 2nd time on the other arm with another nurse. Would it be appropriate to report both the unsuccessful and successful insertions? We would bill the unsuccessful PICC with a modifier 52 and the successful … [Read More]

RAC Updates July through September 2012

Listed below are the RAC issues which were approved for this past quarter.  These issues include hospital-specific along with physician and other types of providers. Region A: DCS As of August 15, Diversified Collections Services, Inc (DCS) changed their name to Performant Recovery, Inc. They are a subsidiary of Performant Financial Corporation. Performant has twelve … [Read More]

Webinar: CentraMed Denials™

Introducing CentraMed Denials™ CentraMed Denials, a SaaS solution, combines the power of business intelligence with expert consulting services to help providers expose trends, uncover hidden problems and create work lists. CentraMed Denials groups denial codes into meaningful and efficient categories that can be pursued by your team. The solution can uncover, highlight and alert trends … [Read More]