NCD for Cardiac Pacemakers

On February 12, 2014, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) published MLN Matters Article # MM8525 regarding the revised National Coverage Determination (NCD) on single chamber and dual chamber permanent cardiac pacemakers. This NCD, 20.8.3, concludes that implanted permanent cardiac pacemakers, single chamber or dual chamber, are reasonable and necessary for the treatment of … [Read More]

When to Code Sepsis

Correct coding of sepsis or septicemia continues to be an area of concern for coders and a target of RAC. Whenever there is a question about sepsis, or any diagnosis, we are instructed to go back to the Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting along with further guidance from Coding Clinic. Diagnosis: First, does the … [Read More]

Patient is King: A Patient-Centered Approach to Value

The American healthcare industry is going through an unprecedented transformation. The current fee-for-service model, historically focused on disease management, is rapidly evolving to an outcome-based system. All healthcare constituents, whether a physician practice, hospital, lab, nursing facility, or a payer, are currently designed to support a patient interaction or a visit. The massive change from … [Read More]

The Future of Hospital-Based Clinics

By Jack Duffy Executive Vice President For a number of years hospital-based clinics have played a significant role in the business operations of many hospitals. They played a key role in care coordination for complex services like infusion therapies, and allowed physicians more hours to remain productive on the hospital campus. The clinics also served … [Read More]

The Final Countdown: ICD-10 is Less Than 9 Months Away!

As we rang in the New Year with CPT coding changes, we now have to get ready for the ICD-10-CM/PCS implementation. To date, surveys are showing that the healthcare industry remains behind in readiness for this change. With less than nine months to go, it is time to gain some ground and get processes tested … [Read More]