The News About the Affordable Care Act Gets Better with Each Passing Day

By Jack Duffy Executive Vice President The good news may be that only a small number of expected enrollees have been able to complete the process. The much more concerning revelation this week is that 60% of the software needed to process payments and pay providers is incomplete and untested. The plan is to complete … [Read More]

OPPS Final Rule Delayed

Due to the partial Government shut down the Outpatient Perspective Payment System final rule was not released on November 1 as originally planned.  The delay will take us to the end of November.  The final rule could be released as late as November 27, and will take effect on January 1, 2014.  This does not … [Read More]

Rules, Rules, Rules

How is your facility going to get this right? Today as healthcare providers, clinical staff and coders we are up against many challenges. With ICD-10-CM/PCS implementation just less than a year away there is urgency to get ready now to avoid lost reimbursement later. 5010 Testing is still continuing for many facilities and payers. Statistics … [Read More]

CMS Implements CARC and RARC Updates

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) implemented updates to Claim Adjustment Reason Code (CARC) and Remittance Advice Remark Code (RARC) lists on October 7, 2013. Per Medicare policy, CARCs and RARCs that provide either supplemental explanation for a payment adjustment or policy information that generally applies to the payment adjustment are required in … [Read More]

Congratulations to Marietta Memorial Hospital for Achieving One Million Dollars in Cash and Net Revenue!

Marietta Memorial Hospital, part of the Memorial Health System, celebrates achieving over one million dollars in retained cash and net revenue. The facility reached this goal just two months after CentraMed completed the training and implementation of  a new Revenue Integrity Department at Marietta Memorial Hospital in Marietta, Ohio.  In addition to the new Revenue … [Read More]